
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bible Café

As announced in church this morning, I have been asked to take on the role of heading up Bible Café. As yet, it is so new and exciting that we haven’t yet even come up with a name to describe the role (“Mug” and “Mad” did spring to mind at one point…..)

I am so very grateful to God for the opportunity to expand what has become a big part of my life over the last year in particular. It is also a role I feel He has been planning for me all my life, although I could not always see how all the pieces ever made sense.

Basically I will be fully responsible for all the day-to-day planning of the Bible Café as we currently know it, plus the creation and implementation of major plans for growth. There is very little “out there” in this region for people who want to learn about their faith, and the practical outworking and living of it, in the way that we are presenting it, so the scope and potential is enormous. To this end, John and I are taking a huge leap of faith, and I have given up my work as a Counsellor in order to fulfil this role. Initially I will be working Part-time for the church, and building up steadily towards a fulltime post as and when possible. I am currently working out my notice period, and leave my work as Associate Counsellor on 15th August.
I would really value your prayers at such an exciting ( and often scary) time of transition, and also that I would endeavour to listen closely to God for His direction, wisdom and guidance in all that lies ahead

I will keep you posted.

P.S. Any comments especially welcome


  • Pat,

    Congratulations! You looked positively radiant on Sunday when your new role was announced. How exciting and yet scary too but what a step of faith. I will be praying for all the loose ends for your counselling work to gel together with the minimum of disruption.

    Well done! Wishing you every blessing in this new opportunity.


    Sarah x

    By Blogger SarahB, at 12:28 am  

  • This is obviously a real passion of yours - to teach and develop others and it's nice to see your enthusiasm,

    All the best to you as you step out on a new and exciting journey in God,
    Lotsa love,
    Helen x.

    By Blogger Helen, at 4:32 pm  

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