Ice Skating...
Sinead and John Kerr ( GB)
Have you been watching any of the Ice Dancing from the Winter Olympics? I think it's amazing, the way those guys lift their partners so effortlessly, and watching it, I get scared that sometimes those skates look like they come pretty close to their partner's faces, or other strategic bits of anatomy...
Whilst I admire their skills and techniques, as well as the brilliant choreography, what we don’t see is the level of practise behind the scenes, and how many times they got dropped! (I think the “Dancing On Ice” programme has been quite enlightening in this respect! )
Sometimes, I am sure that my “walk with God” looks very much like very wobbly first steps on ice, with many a slip as I try to find my “footing”. I’m not sure I like the thought of being spun around inches from the hard, cold surface of an ice rink.
But the truth is, when God holds us, we are SO VERY SAFE in His hands. And so are all those we love. However scary it might look, or feel, God's grips are rock-solid, and He does not drop us.
Never has, Never will.
And this is true, especially when we feel that our feet are falling….
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