
Saturday, December 18, 2004

There were these three wise women.....

Looking over at Lisa's blog, I was reminded of a card I saw the other day, which talked about what might have happened if three wise WOMEN had turned up at Bethlehem. One would have brought some bleach and a hoover, another a pot roast, and the third some decent bed linen...

But then again, maybe Christ had to be born in a mess, because our lives are rarely tidy. If he had only been willing to enter our lives when they were cleaned up, none of us would ever get saved.

The other thing is, though, that the Three wise men brought gifts that would span both immediate and long-term needs. For the immediate journey, they needed gold - hard currency - to enable the Flight To Egypt. The Frankinscense speaks of a constant sweet-smelling perfume that was the life of Christ. And the myrrh was a practical gift, used in the ceremonial aspects of death. His exit was planned and prepared for, even at the time of his birth.

And He was the Only Child who ever asked to be born.

Pat's Thought for the Day
The motivation for the gifts we give at Christmas are varied, and sometimes reactive. We only give because someone else has given to us, or we feel we "have to". What always amazes me is the level of Christ's willingness to come at all, let alone in the way that He did.


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