The Gremlins......
Would value your prayers at the moment. John has spent a huge amount of time and effort recently, as well as extensive research, to try and upgrade a great deal of the sound system at church. His ethos has always been that it’s not only important that the gospel message is faithfully preached at church; it also needs to be faithfully heard, and that means a reliable sound system, the best that we can budget for.
He takes this role very seriously indeed.
However, in recent weeks, we have had a number of things go wrong, right in the middle of services, or just as a service is about to start - it feels like gremlins invading the system. We use a lot of batteries, for example, and put fresh ones in for each service – but recently, some of these have failed. One of our best radio mikes (I call it the Rice Krispie – it’s about a big as one, and is worn over the ear and comes around to the side of your mouth – lightweight, and superb) stopped working the night before I was due to use it for Ladies Day, and it might mean that it has to be shipped back to the States for repair. Not necessarily huge things in themselves, but there are a number of factors to consider.
Firstly, all these pieces of equipment have come from different places – so it’s not a manufacturing problem in one company.
For so many to malfunction in the same few weeks is hardly a coincidence.
John and I now feel that this falls under the realm of “enemy action”
He is concerned, that having overall responsibility for the system, the buck stops with him.
Lastly, and by no means least, God has blessed his company with a number of important contracts – but that does mean that he is seriously up to his eyes with work right now.
It is getting beyond a joke, and I also believe that satan is trying to interrupt the flow of worship by these problems.
Your prayers would be much appreciated – thank you
He takes this role very seriously indeed.
However, in recent weeks, we have had a number of things go wrong, right in the middle of services, or just as a service is about to start - it feels like gremlins invading the system. We use a lot of batteries, for example, and put fresh ones in for each service – but recently, some of these have failed. One of our best radio mikes (I call it the Rice Krispie – it’s about a big as one, and is worn over the ear and comes around to the side of your mouth – lightweight, and superb) stopped working the night before I was due to use it for Ladies Day, and it might mean that it has to be shipped back to the States for repair. Not necessarily huge things in themselves, but there are a number of factors to consider.
Firstly, all these pieces of equipment have come from different places – so it’s not a manufacturing problem in one company.
For so many to malfunction in the same few weeks is hardly a coincidence.
John and I now feel that this falls under the realm of “enemy action”
He is concerned, that having overall responsibility for the system, the buck stops with him.
Lastly, and by no means least, God has blessed his company with a number of important contracts – but that does mean that he is seriously up to his eyes with work right now.
It is getting beyond a joke, and I also believe that satan is trying to interrupt the flow of worship by these problems.
Your prayers would be much appreciated – thank you
Given the size of the congregation at both church services this morning I'm sure that there is nothing more that Satan would like to make it difficult for us to hear or worse still miss things. Please be assured of my ongoing prayers.
SarahB, at 10:46 pm
I hadn't really thought of it in those terms, but I suppose it is one to think about.
It does John great credit that people can go to him and identify a technical problem without fear of him taking it personally. To maintain this level of objectivity whilst still having insight into possible spiritual influences is a rare thing indeed!
John's service in one of the most thankless tasks in the church does not go without notice. We would, frankly, struggle without his technical prowess and commitment. I have no problem praying for you both for suitable protection.
Jonathan, at 9:35 am
This is such a good network of fellow Christians where we can call on each other to pray, which we will indeed do! Thanks John for your ministry, you are rather good at it, well actually very good at it!!
Helen, at 9:34 pm
Can't talk technical (can just about spell it ) but God knows my heart, consider prayers on-going - Bless you both in your ministries.
Tracie, at 11:22 am
I love Tracies comment!
Just wanted you to know we prayed for you John at our lifegroup tonight, Nick prayed that someone suitably trained would help you, we also prayed for your huge workload, take care!
Helen, at 9:58 pm
Praying for you both regarding work and wisdom to deal with the PA equipment. It would be frustrating if we couldn't hear properly. Sometimes modern equipment are no better.
Nicole's Psalm, at 11:24 pm
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