A deeply and profoundly sad day for many of us. The news of Neil’s passing this morning extinguishes a very special light to those of us who were privileged to know him. He was, in every possible sense, a man of God. The gentlest of spirits, who knew and loved His God without question, and who maintained his integrity in life, and through his illness, at every conceivable level. Our thoughts and prayers naturally continue to be with his lovely wife Anna, and two incredible sons, Joel and Simon. Such experiences of loss at such a young age - for all of them - can floor many people, were it not for the fact that their spiritual inheritance from Neil will, I am sure, support them through some tough days ahead Pat’s thought for the Day: Considerable weight is often given to someone’s last words. I have no idea what Neil’s last words actually were – such things are far too private, and should remain so – but Neil’s last words on his blog serve as a measure of the man. He said “(This Christmas) - have a really good time and make sure you take time to reflect on the true meaning and include Jesus in your celebrations- He makes the difference.” Jesus made all the difference in the world to Neil. |
Thankyou for you lively comments about my brother Neil. He indeed was a special perosn who I will miss very much. Words will never express the thanks that need to go out from our family to all those who prayed for him.
Although lent to us for 43 years he has a greater calliong on his life now. Please look after Anna and the boys. We would love to be their all the time but obviously can't
Mo and Mark
Mo&Marks Morsals, at 1:30 pm
It has been quite obvious, Mo, over the time that Neil has been blogging, that you held a special place in his heart.
Our prayers are naturally extended to the whole family at this time, and be assured that as we pray for you, that we will do we can to look after Anna and the boys - they are greatly loved by us, as well as by you.
We only live just around the corner from the family - in fact, if you went to the bottom of their garden, you could easily see our house! Our home is yours, if you ever wanted to come and say Hi
With much love and prayers
John & Pat
PatK, at 3:55 pm
Pat -I couldn't have said it any better.
Neil will we all miss you greatly and until we are all reunited one day.
Lord, please surround Anna, Joel, Simon, Mo and the whole family with your love. Hold them in your arms and comfort them in ways we can't.
Praying for you all, Lisa
Lisa, at 4:00 pm
I too felt led to read Neil's blog one last time and when I read his words about Christmas I felt that his faith was the essence of him.
I will never forget how he encouraged us all to pray by telling us where everyone was praying from. Nor can I forget what amazing strength of character he showed by getting his fellow bloggers to vote on his choice of headgear when that time came.
Now he is with others that we know and love who have gone to be with the Lord. Party on!
At this time, I pray for Anna, Joel and Simon as well as the wider family that they would all experience God's presence in a deep and powerful way.
With love and prayers,
Sarah xx
SarahB, at 2:30 pm
When l heard news of Neil and later sat in front of the computer; it crossed my mind as to who would have the right words in such a situation - what a gifting you have Pat - you have such an ability to be able to make comments of such significance - l remember Neil's hello to me at Church when l first started blogging; and remember thinking what a cheerful hello from someone that was probably feeling pretty rough at the time - he really was an example to us all.
How did this evening go - hoping to get one of the CD's John talked about this morning, God Bless from Tracie
Tracie, at 10:13 pm
Tonight ( Sunday) went really well, and I felt God strengthened me to say what He had already given me to say. It was not an easy day to preach, but I think God spoke through it all. Thanks you for your love and concern - hope the CD is a blessing
PatK, at 10:19 pm
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