
Monday, May 08, 2006

Things can only get better....

Things are slowly improving this week.

John and I spent a fair bit of Saturday trawling around shops for various pieces of equipment. So far we have;-
Purchased a dishwasher (able to bring home from the store)
Ordered new kitchen taps (not available “for a few weeks yet”)
Bought some new telephones (the ansaphone system on the last one was completely shot)
Got my car into the garage for the hydraulic system on the clutch to be replaced - (forget such simple things as clutch cables – this is a LOT more complicated! – hopefully it might get done tomorrow (Tuesday)
Tried to find a mirror for the hall (unsuccessfully)
Tried to find lights for the hall and upstairs landing (Oh boy! This is gonna take a while….)

Got home from all this, fearing that the credit card company would think our cards had been stolen, as there was so much activity on it in one day! John said that fixing the dishwasher should be ”a 5-minute job”.

Well, unfortunately, it isn’t - not because John can’t do, it, but because this particular dishwasher uses non-standard connections. As we were expecting company that afternoon (who stayed overnight and through to late last night) he hasn’t had a minute to do things. He is plumbing in as we speak, but the one thing more frustrating than having a dishwasher in your kitchen that doesn’t work is having TWO dishwashers in your kitchen not working (yet!!)

So apart from having to use jugs to get cold water from the basin in my downstairs cloakroom every time I want to fill the kettle (the kettle won’t fit in the basin!!) things are looking up!

Pat’s Thought for the Day
Sometimes it scares me that I put my trust in fragile earthly things, yet baulk at trusting the Creator of the Universe, believing that I can possibly do things better, or in my own way, or in my own time. In His Grace, He does not tell me off, or refuse to listen when I come with such a doubting attitude. He does not hold grudges, or pout, with a “ You didn’t believe me last time, did you?” attitude.



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