
Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas

Just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas, and a Peaceful New Year

It struck me earlier today that this will be the 30th Christmas that John, my incredible hubby, and I have been together. In some ways, it would have been interesting to know then what the future would hold for us, but the journey would not have been half as interesting! Of one thing I am completely sure, though – he is my Soulmate, my rock, and my very best friend, and life with him, and the boys, has enriched me in ways beyond measure. Our youngest son, Andy, turned 21 twelve days ago, and therefore in my dearly-loved, and much-missed mother-in-law’s eyes, would now both be officially classed as adults.

The journey of parenthood is never easy, and each child comes into the world with its own set of unique skills, abilities and challenges. At this Season, I often wonder how Mary thought of her future that very first Christmas – the birth of her firstborn Son could hardly have been less auspicious. But we often focus on Mary, and give little thought to what kind of a Soulmate Joseph had to be, to bring up this child of hers, but not his, in the face of open condemnation and hostility.

So here’s a toast to the unsung heroes - to all the Dads out there who hold their families together, who guide, protect and provide, often wondering if they’re doing it right, but not wishing to admit it out loud. To my own Dad, whose legacy lives on, and who pointed me to the Greatest Father of All.

For we celebrate this Christmas the Gift of a Father, who risked everything, to hold His family together through Eternity, and with the deepest respect, gave His son to “Bring them all home for Christmas”
God be with you this Christmas


  • Hi Pat
    Fantastic words from you as usual, and amazingly exactly what l heard at church on Sunday, about remembering Joseph.
    Would love to e-mail you and John but have no e-mail address.
    God Bless the new year for all your family.
    much love
    tracie xx

    By Blogger Tracie, at 9:33 am  

  • yes lovely words Pat, thanks for your friendship this year to me and Simon - you are a real sweetie!

    By Blogger Helen, at 12:03 pm  

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