Breaking news...
Not been an easy 36 hours.
Feeling quite low with one of these colds that has now dragged on way past the "it lasts 7 days if you treat it and a week if you don't" stage, with loads of lemsip with honey and Benylin cough mixture, trying valiantly to make it through the night without having to get up for an hour or so coughing...
But by the end of last week, I was most worried about my new varifocals glasses. The bottom section of the lens (for reading) was fine; the middle portion (for screen and computer work) was fine, but the top section, for distance and driving, was terrible. After trying to hope that "it takes time to get used to varificals" , I gave in and returned to the opticians. A second eye test raised the possibility of raised blood sugar levels, and this morning I was checked out.
It's looking like I have diabetes.
I know that there are millions of people with this condition, and that I have been told that a healthy diet and exercise can go a long way towards helping this. But I also know that today I experienced first hand what an amazing family I have - especially my hubby, my sister and my mum ( who is also diabetic). I had succumbed last night to the terror of the domino effect - that place where I believed the worst possible scenario, and felt that my world was closing in around me. And once I got into a downward spiral, it was John's prayers in particular that brought a huge sense of peace, even in the middle of an emotional tornado of my own making.
My wonderful sister "frogmarched" me ( her words!) into getting the immediate testing materials I'll need, and was my "soft place to fall" ( see her blog for today!) Also getting my cough medicine changed to sugar-free stuff, etc...
My Mum was incredibly practical in helping me learn how to use a blood sugar level meter, as well as give of the benefit of her wisdom and experience.
A full diagnosis will be forthcoming in a few weeks, but for now, it's good to place on record my thanks to God for the way in which a check up was made available so quickly, as was the time of the Practise Nurse ( her patient just "happened" not to turn up, so she could see me immediately - a God set-up or what?)
I would value your prayers as I continue to come to terms with what this will mean for me
Pat's Thought for the Day:
God has a purpose in everything. Sounds trite, but everything MEANS EVERYTHING, whether at the moment I like it, or not......and espcially if I don't understand it yet!
Feeling quite low with one of these colds that has now dragged on way past the "it lasts 7 days if you treat it and a week if you don't" stage, with loads of lemsip with honey and Benylin cough mixture, trying valiantly to make it through the night without having to get up for an hour or so coughing...
But by the end of last week, I was most worried about my new varifocals glasses. The bottom section of the lens (for reading) was fine; the middle portion (for screen and computer work) was fine, but the top section, for distance and driving, was terrible. After trying to hope that "it takes time to get used to varificals" , I gave in and returned to the opticians. A second eye test raised the possibility of raised blood sugar levels, and this morning I was checked out.
It's looking like I have diabetes.
I know that there are millions of people with this condition, and that I have been told that a healthy diet and exercise can go a long way towards helping this. But I also know that today I experienced first hand what an amazing family I have - especially my hubby, my sister and my mum ( who is also diabetic). I had succumbed last night to the terror of the domino effect - that place where I believed the worst possible scenario, and felt that my world was closing in around me. And once I got into a downward spiral, it was John's prayers in particular that brought a huge sense of peace, even in the middle of an emotional tornado of my own making.
My wonderful sister "frogmarched" me ( her words!) into getting the immediate testing materials I'll need, and was my "soft place to fall" ( see her blog for today!) Also getting my cough medicine changed to sugar-free stuff, etc...
My Mum was incredibly practical in helping me learn how to use a blood sugar level meter, as well as give of the benefit of her wisdom and experience.
A full diagnosis will be forthcoming in a few weeks, but for now, it's good to place on record my thanks to God for the way in which a check up was made available so quickly, as was the time of the Practise Nurse ( her patient just "happened" not to turn up, so she could see me immediately - a God set-up or what?)
I would value your prayers as I continue to come to terms with what this will mean for me
Pat's Thought for the Day:
God has a purpose in everything. Sounds trite, but everything MEANS EVERYTHING, whether at the moment I like it, or not......and espcially if I don't understand it yet!
From your 'frog maarcher' who also cannot sleep - You are in my prayers tonight and always - now - go to bed! :-)
rhi, at 11:43 pm
Thank you for sharing this. Your honesty in your blogs is a wonderfully powerful witness. Every time I pass your house I pray for you but now I can be more specific.
I'm glad you know that you are in the Lord's hands.
Love and hugs and many prayers(!!)
Sarah :-)
SarahB, at 12:18 am
Yeah, I'll pray for you too Pat
Wanted to say thanks just that minute or two on Sunday evening. I know it was God who was there, and it was Him who spoke and it has been His words that I've been encouraged by and clung to all week...
Never-the-less, I appreciate the fellowship and the blessing of being in God's family, and you've definately been part of that thanks
commentator33, at 11:18 pm
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