
Thursday, March 10, 2005


The dreaded appointment arrived today - yes, yours truly had one seriously decayed tooth removed this morning. I can't say "pulled", as it wasn't that straightforward. I also needed 3 injections, but for the squeamish amongst you, that's where I'll leave the story...!

It's been a rollercoaster week, trying to start an understanding of where I might be with a life-changing diagnosis. To keep things in perspective, I am beginning to appreciate that attitudes and approaches to diabetes are very different today from where they were years ago. I also need to understand that many other folk suffer from far more difficult conditions, and do so with more courage and grace than I think I'd have.

But if I've learned one thing as a Counsellor, it's that comparisons with other people, and other situations, can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes it banishes the fear of isolationism - at least I know I'm not alone in this. But conversely, no-one else has walked this particaulr pathway in exactly the same way as me, for I am unique. It is important to hold these apparently opposing viewpoints in tension.

And in a strange way, I now have two gaps to think about - the one where I once had a tooth, and the other, a life without diabetes. Very different in scope, but I'll have to adjust to them both. Both impact what I eat, and the way I eat!!

I've also begun to appreciate that I tend to want things done quickly, and yesterday if at all possible! I'm not always so good at disciplining myself for the long-haul. But after a shaky start to the week, I have now managed to catch up to date with a little backlog on 40 days reading, and feel better for it. I am also learning a little more each day about myself, and the need to pace things more evenly, rather than at a madcap speed which is not good for me ( or anyone, really!)

Pat's Thought for The Day:
Sometimes we experience gaps and losses. Not all of these are negative! They often mean we have to adjust, adapt and appreciate what remains, and grow as a result.


  • Pat,

    I do not underestimate how you may be feeling this week. You may not feel this right now but your honesty in this situation is a very powerful witness to God. This is probably the hardest time trying to readjust to new needs having different considerations and a multitude of information to take in... but as you know God will be with you through each and every of the minutest details.

    You remain in my thoughts and prayers.



    By Blogger SarahB, at 11:22 pm  

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